24 june 2013, 9.42pm - cookie dough

had this for lunch. Chilliz's 'nasi lemak' ($4.50) features boiled eggs, sweet n sour onions, curry chicken and fried fish. what a strange combo.

had this for dinner. hung out with Z and friends again today, and wanted to contribute, so i offered my rice and chicken wings. resulted in nasi goreng and soy sauce chicken wings.

had this just now. edible cookie dough. with added peanut butter. i know, i'm quite disgusted with myself too. had 4 spoonfuls and felt sick. :P

the guy from a place i submitted my resume to called and practically accused me of lying that my English is good on my cv after asking me a few questions on the phone. wow. feel really annoyed and offended, especially since his Chinese accent was so thick i couldn't understand him. .... whatever. /rolls eyes

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