6 jun 2013, 9.12pm - eggless

i made eggless pancakes today using this recipe.

just as good as the egg ones.

in fact, my flatmate from Toodyay (read: two jay) wanted a second one after i offered her one.
she had hers with ice-cream.

cheap eggs can be bought from the oriental store at $3 for a dozen medium eggs.

even cheaper ones are at IGA, selling for $6 for 30. but my friend said those are tiny, so she got the ones from the oriental store.

the oriental store is a store owned by Chinese people selling Asian foodstuff.
it's really named the "Oriental Store", written in oriental font.
it's quite common to see Asian restaurants or stores advertise their exotic-ness with that font. signaling to Australians that they are foreign and different from them.
i consciously tried to avoid that store. until today, when my friend went there to buy eggs.
maybe i avoid stores that use awful fonts.
or maybe i - Asian - didn't want to be seen going into the oriental store, because that would be too typical.
maybe i've always denied my roots, to try to be something i'm not.

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