1. deglaze pan-fried salmon with soy sauce and reintroduce cooked pasta into the pan.
2. i buy tuna not fished responsibly.
3. from Greenpeace - options for sustainable 'pole and line' caught tuna.
4. what i did for our first exercise in 3D modeling software. tangram puzzles are hard.
also relevant : College students of Reddit, what is the stupidest question you have heard another student ask a professor?
very humorous stuff.
Lots of tuna... lots of fish oil in your diet.
Good for you !
By the way, tangram is one of my fav games on the iphone.. sad, huh?
"why did the Romans name their gods after planets?"
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
P: oh, i should try to get tangram on my phone too!
right now the dictionary app is the best thing on my phone.
momo: heh heh ヽ(´ー`)┌
careful... it can really grow on you, if you let it...
how many different kinds of tuna, got to be in AUS only :P