15 mar 2014 - cancellation

hmmm, it's sad, my grandma said she will listen to the advice of my uncles and aunts and not go to London with me.

it's sad because she was very happy and excited to go at the beginning.
i spoke to her after the first time my uncle warned her not to go, but she was like, "i'm going to ignore him, because your brother said that London was safe for him."
i think he told her that it was a dangerous place, and i was able to say that it's a touristy place, so it's not dangerous.

the next time was after lunch with the extended family.
my relatives told her that she was too old, the flight was too long, we weren't going with a tour group, the hospitals make you wait for very long, i wouldn't be able to handle it if anything happened to her.
so she said she didn't want to go anymore, which was upsetting, because i know she did.
but i couldn't refute those points since all i can say was that i will make the holiday very relaxed and it's very unlikely that anything will happen to make her go to hospital.

so yeah, she decided not to worry them. just play it safe and not travel to distant destinations like Europe.
instead, my mom will take her place.
lol - i'm already travelling to Sweden and Japan with her this year.

then i called Emirates today just to confirm that the name can't be changed, and i can't get a refund, but my grandma will have credit if she travels with them by 5 Aug 2014.

now my mom has to buy a plane ticket and a Eurostar ticket.


  • March 17, 2014 at 6:01 PM | Permalink

    Guess some things happen for a reason. I'm sure your grandma is happy to have such a wonderful and thoughtful grand daughter ...
    Well, on the bright side, it's another mother / daughter bonding trip in the works!
    Celebrate life! And take happiness where you find it.

    (Coming from an old fart!)

  • March 25, 2014 at 8:47 AM | Permalink

    :D thanks u kindly

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