8 mar 2014 - venue support

just completed the first week of school + work at school.

my only class for the week was on Monday.
most of my old classmates were there, what a relief.
it was a new tutor who was going to help us with dissertation writing.
i'm presenting my draft in 2 weeks.
apparently some of my classmates didn't touch theirs during the holiday - good to know we're in the same boat.

got to know that the dissertation is due on 12 May. omg - that made me go in panic mode. i was quite depressed for the rest of the day.
i reviewed my draft from last semester with the comments from the marker.
and found a useful book called Movement as Meaning : In Experimental Film by Daniel Barnett, so i've been reading that and making notes.
planning to write 1000 words of draft for my movement chapter today. haha, not sure how that will go.

something that was interesting from the book - "a meme is idea that has power to replicate".
the mobile phone is one such meme.
when it got invented, the idea of being able to make phone calls from anywhere became so powerful that it is now an integral part of modern life. how cool is that.
we benefit from so many ideas worth spreading.

and work at school was alright.
i have 6 shifts and it's all different people. and they are all young, fun, confident... it's good to learn from them.
i've gotten better at meeting people and communicating - over the walkie-talkie as well.
i'm also hesitating and deliberating over things less - when i need to check a place, just open the door and go for it, instead of hovering outside like a ghost. still not adept at interrupting lecturers though.

now i'm going to watch Billy Connolly's travel documentary on Route 66. :D
the introduction alone has got me sold on how fun he was going to make this journey. and also the historical and cultural impact of this road in America.

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