20 may 2013, 5.57pm - noodle soup

i was impressed by the soup flavor i created for my noodles so i am writing my recipe down.

1 serving of shrimp-flavored dry noodles
1 clove garlic
1 slice bacon
1/3 can of canned chickpeas
periperi powder

boil 250 ml of water
slice garlic thinly
throw noodles and garlic in
boil on high heat for 1.5 mins
microwave bacon for 30 secs
throw it in
empty can of chickpeas and its liquid into pot
boil for 2 mins
take off heat, add some periperi powder to taste

key points:
boil noodles in as little water as possible.
canned chickpea liquid is salty and good for making things tasty.

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