here's a picture of a formal stuffy lecture theatre at Curtin.
lecturer T had to go cover for the sick colleague, so our 3-4pm lecture and the 4-6pm tutorial class was cancelled, but we could still get a lecture if we attended this one at 4-5.30pm, held to cover the absent lecturer.
it was kind of ironic that lecturer T sacrificed our classes (for this colleague's class), when there was a student strike held today to protest the cut in education funding.
none of my course mates went on strike.
like flatmate said, a student strike isn't effective because it just shortchanges the student.
anyway, during tutorial, lecturer T made everyone tell the class about their significant statements for the research assignment. then he would give his feedback.
so i tried to talk about my draft topic, and then struggled to catch the advice and ideas being thrown back at me because he is such a mega-brain.
luckily, classmate recorded it all on her phone and let me listen to it.
i sounded like .... wow. like a baby who just learnt how to read. :<
but still, i am pleased to report that so far, i have passed all assignments for my 4 units.
there was one returned yesterday, and another one today. both cases, the tutor said that there were people who failed. glad it wasn't me!
for my core units, my lit review assignment (returned a few weeks ago) was poor, but my methodology assignment (the one returned today) was above average. wo0t.
for my electives, 3D Tech is doing worse than 3D Process.
there are a couple of major (50%) assignments due around the end of the month, so i'm trying to work on those.