15 may 2013, 4.44 pm - cycling

wanted to take a break, and decided to go cycling at noon. haha.

the guild house provides free bicycle rental, along with the helmet and the lock.
the penalty for cycling without wearing a helmet is $50!

the bike was a Shimano. the brakes were soft. and the seat was too high.

i cycled for 12.2 km. it was 22 degrees and the sun was shining hard.
it was okay since it's very easy to cycle on the pavements with only a few people around.

after the cycling business, i met someone in the laundry room who taught me about how the gears are like the gears in a car.
so that's why it was so exhausting! i cycled the whole way on 1st gear. 

my sit bones are very very sore now.

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