19 may 2013, 9.35pm - ignorance is bliss

doing research for my assignment, where i have to find my own topic and describe the research topic, research question, background, methodology, objectives, etc.

thought i could focus on using Sartre's optimistic view of empowerment as my framework -  the subjective choice by which each person makes himself a person; i.e. makes known to himself what he is.
but no.
how naive of me.

after finishing the book on Donald Hall book on subjectivity, i now have to consider Lacan, Foucault, post-colonialism, and technological implications. 
mastery of the self is just an illusion. everything is complex, fragmented, multi-dimensional, and fluid. 

this new knowledge has severely disrupted my plans and now i have to re-formulate my research topic.


One Comment

  • May 26, 2013 at 7:14 AM | Permalink

    Case of 'too much knowledge is a dangerous thing'

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