more photos from Leonora

got more photos after the debriefing. i volunteered to be photographer so i took these pictures on the group camera.

from the abandoned town of Gwalia.
some nice volunteers fixed up the houses so that people like us can go and experience history. really cool stuff.

can't imagine making a home on this red desert soil.
 the interiors all had furniture - B had a shock when she peeked into this room - she told me to saw out for the face. i was really scared to look but it turned out okay.
just a "guy" chilling on the bed.
lattice work
 pimp my ride.

we took some funny photos in the doctor's house where the medical equipment like stir-ups and forceps were lying around.

 this is the much-loved and ever-popular pool table in the youth center. there's an xbox and wii too.
oh how the children played. professionals i tell you.
 some of their names to remember them by, since we can't take pictures of them without their permission.
 mmmm i miss the buffets.

 this is the main shopping street of Leonora. a very very sleepy town.
people go there to mine. R said it was more prosperous than the other remote indigenous town she visited.

 kangaroo refuge!  the baby joey had to be bottle-fed.
i held it for a while but i think i preferred to be carried by B. its fur is sooo soft!

the couple told us their story- she was from England, and she went to Australia for a holiday. she met the man and met him again by chance when she went to Australia again! crazy!
then they got married in Australia. he does prospecting while she takes care of the animals.

the lady gave these adult kangaroos different names and she can differentiate all of them. :)
 we played with 3 border collier pups XD
they were so playful and rambunctious.

leader brought us to this rock for the final night - she was saying she would only go there when she really bonded with the group.
i agree, my travel mates are super epic - oh the stories, you'll never believe!

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