went to the beach.
specifically, i went to Mettam's Pool. it's currently ranked #10 out of 75 attractions in Perth on TripAdvisor. yes, i am using it to get inspiration on what to do here.
so i woke up before 9am, grabbed my swim suit and took the bus+train+bus down.
i must say, this side of the beach is sweet. i ran around excitedly for a while.
sharp rocks galore.
crashing waves.
that rock has many birds on it.
out-hanging rock.
mostly small shells on the beach.fuzzy plants.
coast line.
walking a corgi and a husky. best combi of dogs ever.
lone sunbather.
found the Pool.
this is no pool! there are waves and sharp rocks!
i sat on the sand for a while before going in. water was cold and clear.
this guy was swimming laps parallel to the waves so i tried to do the same, but the waves and the salty ocean threw my breathing rhythm quite badly.
going out to the deep side wasn't a good idea when breathing was a problem - yikes! :P
and the sharp rocks at the shallow areas made it hard to find resting spots.
talked to an old lady while in the water.
she used to live in Perth and she said that the pool had a lot more sand in the past, sand that covered up all the sharp rocks so it was all smooth.
must have been a real nice pool then.
note to self : bring snorkeling gear to solve breathing problems in water.
flatmate recommended Exmouth for snorkeling - she said there are beautiful corals and colorful fish to see there! the problem is that it's flipping far up north (2 day drive!).
and tomorrow is ANZAC Day, when "ceremonies of remembrance, gratitude and national pride for all our men and women who have fought and died in all wars" are held.
would like to attend the Dawn Service and try the Gunfire breakfast, but no public transport from my place to the train station. :(
might go see the ANZAC Day March and the Day Service though.
One Comment
watch out for them dorsal fins !