Copenhagen - Museum for kunst and Tivoli

Statens Museum for Kunst, the National Gallery of Denmark

all i have from my trip to this National Gallery is one photo.
because we only had 10 minutes in there. lol.
there was a huge air space in the middle of the domed traditional building.

Tivoli, the Pleasure Gardens

this is another old school amusement park, built in 1843, that is a major landmark in the center of the city.
we had to walk around the big square block that the fenced gardens occupied a lot.

inside Tivoli.
a "Chinese Style" Pavilion.

i think it was a performance of Swan Lake.

Indian Style mystery building. maybe a restaurant?

loads of kids and people.
somehow, the atmosphere wasn't as magical as the one at Grona Lund.
maybe because this park is smaller.

the star-flyer, which we didn't ride.

fancy lights.

mmmm ice cream.

a little train chugging through the grounds.

candy store.

big-ass candy floss.

quirky street.

reminds me of One Piece.

a random little body of water with a ship in it.

Copenhagen at dusk.

H.C. Anderson watching over Tivoli.

mmmm lights.

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