so after i went home from the city, i dropped by the Welcome Party which the kind folks threw for all residents.
but then i saw Mr Masters (trying to dance with some girls), so i quickly fled the scene before he saw me.
i was reading in my room when he messaged me, saying he's at the party and wants to see me.
my blood grew cold and i ignored it. then he calls me. twice. but i didn't want to pick up, of course.
i was thinking i should be polite so i replied that i'm not going, good night.
then it got creepier. he called 2 more times, and even texted "cn i check u in ur room" (quoted verbatim). oh my god. nutcase! nutbag!
i was really glad i locked the balcony door earlier, but i thought i heard some weird knocking noises outside? (maybe paranoia).
so i thought and thought about how to tell him to 'get lost'.
because i was quite scared.
in the end, i replied, "no. stop disturbing me." then he quickly replied, "ok".
btw, this all happened over 2 hours.
fricking horrible. DDDDD<
i'm going to take my uncle's advice and tell him directly if i have to confront him again. /angry!@#!
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Be aware of your circumstances when it comes to that. Do not put yourself at risk.
Starting to sound like a stalker and creep... ;<
hey, hope you're feeling better right now...
could he have been drunk that night? (though that doesn't excuse his behavior at all.)
i think you can try talking about this with some of the other female residents/your dorm mates. maybe they feel the same way about him too. at the very least, they would know that you're uncomfortable around him/be more alert.
also, *HUGS*
P: haha yeah i'm still thinking of how to ensure my safety when it comes to that.
and at least you're leaving comments! pls teach mom and dad how to do it. lol
momo: :D i'm okay, just have to be careful of where i go in case i see him.
there wasn't alcohol served at the party, but his behavior was unusual.
yeah will try that, maybe i'll talk to the ppl at the office.
thank you