20 march 2013, 7.28 pm - volunteer trial

 i'm going to start with the most awful thing i've seen today.

oyster in an orange.

no, it's not actually an oyster. it's insidious black mould and rot.

the orange looked fine from the outside and it smelt very fragrantly of orange when i was slicing it in half.
the juice that flowed from the cut looked fine too.
but wow. the inside was utterly disgusting. never seen anything like this.

and in the morning i :
1- attended a workshop called "From Research Questions to Objectives";
2- joined Curtin Volunteers for a trial volunteer session.
it was to help out at Foodbank, but actually they didn't have much for us to do.
today, we mainly emptied bottles of soft drink (blood orange flavored drink) into a huge container, reserving the bottles for recycling.

i finally made contact with a Singaporean today (haven't met any since i came here). he was at the Volunteer session as well.
got to hear about how NS kills the brain.
and he shares food with his flatmates so $20 from each of them will feed them for 2 weeks. wow.
must be nice to have such great camaraderie with everyone in the flat.

also, there's another African postgraduate student who i met during my first week - met him again today.
he says he likes talking to me and that he wanted to dance with me during the Welcome Party last Saturday (the event where Mr Masters phoned me 4 times).
......why? i don't understand.
but it's not that creepy because he doesn't contact me and he leaves to go do his own stuff quite quickly.
anyway, i'm glad i haven't seen Mr Masters so far.


  • March 20, 2013 at 10:41 PM | Permalink

    oh.. what about mr PhD?

  • March 21, 2013 at 8:05 AM | Permalink

    mr phd is now known as mr masters. lol

    and that african postgrad guy i met during my first week, i will call him mr K.

  • March 22, 2013 at 6:28 AM | Permalink

    More mold to add to your garden?

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