3 apr 2014 - big sad face

having a mental breakdown...

the handshake idea i proposed to my supervisor was violently rejected.
he made me see his point and after 1 hour of discussion, he concluded with putting me in a metaphoric prison and gave me about 1.5 days to redo the proposal and email it to him.
that was yesterday at 11am.
so i went home, tried to incorporate 'manus' into my title, went to work at the factory, got home at 8pm, looked at surrealism and artists who did video art, and worked on the title, abstract, objectives and background section until 4.40am.

then i started work at 7.30am today, went to the library, borrowed books on film making, went into panic mode, borrowed books on silent film, ended work at 3.30pm, started writing my methodology section, saw supervisor's email reply that my new abstract was good, realised that i didn't have to actually make a short film, finally finished the proposal at 7pm, went crazy when Google drive didn't export my document at all, resaved the document in Word and manually inserted all the images again, resent my email to supervisor.

this proposal is worth 20% of this unit's marks. oh man. and it was actually due on Wed but he gave me an extension. he had to inform the coordinator of the marks given for this assignment by Fri.
the thing is that he told me to email it to him on Thurs evening, but in the email he said Thurs afternoon, and i only sent the thing to him at 7.18pm, and he hasn't replied or anything yet.


at least there's only 1 more week of uni work. then i can hunker down and work on graduating this course.

it was really annoying when Persian Guy called again at 5.50pm when i was rushing this proposal. i say i was hell busy and he said he bought a Chinese textbook...... omg, like i give a shit. luckily he's very easy to reject.

i saw the Screenwriter guy again on Tues. that was the short and happy period when i thought i had a good project, before the supervisor said it's not right for my research. he looked a lot older this time, at least 42 years old. but he's fun to talk to. he likes Antique Roadshow and did ceramics for his undergrad at Curtin.

learnt some stuff at work today.
1. there's a popular French musician called Stromae. it's good to learn French thru music.
2. Dutch swearwords involve cancer and ball sacks.
3. Brunei has not-so-secret-police that will cancel your visa if you say anything about the Sultan.
4. Brunei Chinese people don't have citizenship status even though they lived there for generations.
5. someone projectile vomited while on the job last semester because of Gastroenteritis. the school nurse didn't answer the phone so his colleagues had to help him to the sick bay, which probably took ten minutes walking.

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