22 apr 2014 - lego movie

 went to watch The Lego Movie.

it was awesome.
all the lame gags and references.
too bad the audience wasn't laughing much at all, otherwise it would have more fun.
guess it was because they were mostly kids.

Morgan Freeman's character back as a ghost, hanging by a nylon string.
super loved it.

they broke the 4th wall and related it back to the idea of 'play', where Will Ferrell was the dad trying to Krazy Glue his lego worlds so that they will never be messed up, whereas his son was putting all sorts of cool things together. i liked that a lot.
creativity is not reserved for the super talented person. anyone can 'play' and create things, like the double decker couch.
if enough people believed in their power to do something, a lot of good things can happen.

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