4 feb 2014 - recruiter

did a morning shift at the cafe.
boss said his house was 500m from the bushfire that raged on since Sunday. luckily the fire is contained now. and he said i should really try skydiving. he enjoyed it in New Zealand.
i burnt a croissant and apologised to the customer about it, but he ate it all. i was surprised. /touched.
i also broke a glass in the sink.

then i handed in my bank details to the factory. it was bloody hot - about 35 deg - and walking from the train station to the factory nearly killed me.

then i went to Bentley Plaza to revive myself with the air-conditioning. and i bought a watch ($39). even though it was a cheapo one, the old sales guy was very nice. and when he broke the strap holder whilst trying to fix it on my wrist, he replaced the plastic strap with a leather one for free :)

then i went for sexual health survey field training session in the city. there were a whole brunch of interesting people. 24 of us, all Curtin students, various ages, but mostly young females. and about 4 obviously non-white people, including myself. this job is not going to be easy. have to get eligible people at Fair Day to complete a 10 minute self-administered survey on their sexual practices. and the target is 30 men and 30 women in *10* hours. ///yikes///
after the session, some of us walked to the train station and i talked to some of them. one lady, her husband passed away from HIV 14 years ago. her sons go to her house and just take her things. one guy, he backpacked around South East Asia 25 years ago. he slept in rice paddies in Thailand! and his daughter going to perform Ibsen's Dollhouse at Curtin. 

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