27 feb 2013, 11.09 pm - manual enrolment

 this is what my flat looks like from the outside.

the morning weather was cool so i decided to postpone my queue for the student id card again.
woke up late, grabbed some yogurt and sat under a tree in campus with my feet in the grass.
i can now understand why people like to lie on the grass here.

 i had to sort out my enrolment issues and the course coordinator didn't reply me yet, so i went down to the humanities office.
this cool thing is the engineering building. humanities don't get such modern buildings.

the lady at the help desk had bobbed silver hair, statement glasses, and fitted slacks. i want to have a great style like her when i'm 50.
she directed me to the office of the course coordinator, but he wasn't in.

but there was a lecturer in the staff room, who looked like a less-broad-shouldered version of Liam Neeson, lol. although he wasn't in charge of my course, he helpfully answered my queries (yes, the handbook is inaccurate), and helped me print out some info. 
he teaches the 3D design workshop and the funny thing was that i ended up taking the electives under him, because the photography course person-in-charge wasn't around, and also i have some experience in 3D modeling (hi dad).

 after submitting the manual enrolment form, i went home to cook lunch. quite proud of this - bacon fried rice.

then i went back to uni for the talk on "Finding Part-Time Work" - very useful stuff. also met Mr PhD on the way there, and ended up arranging to go to O-Day (Guild orientation event) with him.

i cleaned the toilets of the flat at 3pm. we take the cleaning duty rooster seriously because there's a $55 fine if the flat inspectors think you didn't do your job properly.

after 5pm, we watched the young'uns dance to this entertaining "electronic+hip-hop+ska+swing" 5-piece band (Brow Horn Orchestra). most of the audience were quite cool, but the rapper and the trombonist were running around and standing on the huge plant pots.
a gorilla and panda danced on stage too.

this is the outdoor cinema on campus, where we watched Argo. made friends with my flatmate's exchange-student friends from China too, which was nice. :)


  • February 27, 2013 at 8:12 AM | Permalink

    Argo who?

  • February 27, 2013 at 8:14 AM | Permalink

    LOL... Never thought that CAD work will come in useful, did you? That's how life is at time. It's a collection of experiences, and you'll never know when something in your past will come in handy.

  • February 28, 2013 at 6:50 AM | Permalink

    haha it's a good movie and won major awards.

    yeah that's true... and intelligence is knowing how to make good use of those experiences

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